In all our years in LA we’ve never been to the top of Mt Wilson. It turns out some pretty serious science happened up there.
The giant Google brain has been hard at work.
When the world’s smartest researchers train computers to become smarter, they like to use games. Go, the two-player board game born in China more than two millennia ago, remains the nut that machines still can’t crack.
Enter Google’s nerds. Demis Hassabis, the artificial intelligence savant behind Google DeepMind, hinted in a video interview that his secretive team has cracked Go.
‘Go’ Is the Game Machines Can’t Beat. Google’s Artificial Intelligence Whiz Hints That His Will.
“When was the last time you took a first aid class? The ‘80s? ‘90s? Like everything in the medical field, first aid is constantly evolving, and what you may have learned to do as a first responder 10 years ago could be completely wrong today. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest changes over the last few years…”
There is still an urge to share thoughts that are longer than 140 characters with the world. My own chance to yell into the chasm as it were. When that urge happens those thoughts will end up here. For better or worse. Check back at a time that is convenient to you.
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Hello world.
Second star to the right, straight on til morning. )'(
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